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U.S. Student Loan Bubble Saddles a Generation With Debt

On the heels of President Obama's signing of a measure keeping federally subsidized student loans at a relatively low rate through 2015, Rolling Stone political reporter Matt Taibbi joins DN! to discuss how the high price of U.S. college tuition and the federal expansion of student debt to pay for it pose a major threat to the economy.

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Related topics : federal student loan / debt student loan


U.S Representative (D-MI), Hansen Clarke is introducing a bill that would help college graduates who are drowning in student debt and not finding jobs that are sufficient to live and pay back debt. He is calling it the Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012. Clarke says there is a tremendous economic benefit to this bill. It would help recent graduates to start spending responsibly to stimulate job growth, and allow them to start buying houses and cars earlier.

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Related topics : student loan forgiveness act / debt student loan