Justin Conroy

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3 selected videos

Amortization in Excel (Part 1: Simple Calculator)

In this video, I demonstrate how to calculate the monthly payment, total amount paid, and interest paid for an Amortized loan. This can be applied to Mortgages, auto loans, credit card bills, etc.

This is the first of a series. In this next videos, I will show you how to create an amortization schedule.

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Amortization in Excel (Part 3: Dynamic Amortization Schedule)

This is Part 3 of my Amortization in Excel video series. In this video, I pick up from Part 2 where we made an amortization schedule capable of handling 30 year loans. In this video, we modify some of the calculations to allow it to accomodate any loan, for any amount, for any term.

I also show you how to clean up a lot of the formatting and make this amortization schedule more pretty and user-friendly.

Uses If Statements and custom formatting.

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Related topics : amortization loan schedule excel / loan calculator with amortization schedule

Amortization in Excel (Part 4: Extra Principal Contributions)

This video picks up from the Amortization in Excel (Part 3: Dynamic Amortization Schedule).

This video covers how to modify the current dynamic schedule to handle extra principal contributions towards the loan balance each month. It also covers how to maintain the dynamic nature of the created schedule.

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Related topics : amortization loan schedule excel